Now would be an easy time to jump on Romney, to talk about his lack of compassion or ability to relate with average Americans-- as if it were something we had just become aware of. The truth is it is very hard for any of us to be compassionate of those we have no experience with and whose stories we have never had to relate to. I genuinely think that Romney can’t be empathetic or compassionate to poor people the way that I can’t be compassionate to people who abuse the elderly. I have no experience with the need to beat, humiliate, or yell at grandmothers and therefore can’t really show those who do have that need any compassion or worry about their well-being. I’m not comparing the 47% of Americans Romney was referring to as elder abusers, but I think to Romney they could fall into the same category: people he has no experience with or understanding of and therefore has no compassion for. Romney has never lacked a social safety net because his ...
This is a blog about beliefs and behaviors-- mine, yours, society's.. but mostly mine.