This is a blog about applied opinion. Over the past few months I have been keeping a mental log of all the times I hear people (or myself) apply personal beliefs to the decisions of others. From talking heads on FOX "news” and MSNBC to atheist arguments to women giving unsolicited advice to new mothers: it all got me thinking.
Who owns my body? Whose thoughts do I let take up residency in my brain? Whose comments bruise, bounce, cut, coerce, persuade, and inform my own thoughts and opinions? My own behavior? How do I apply my espoused personal politics to my decisions and actions? How and why do I subject other people to them?
This is a journal of frustration. It’s an experiment in the evolution of thought and interconnectedness.
Even as I write this first posting I am considering the politics of writing in the age of texting, blogging, G-chat, and spell-check. Who will take note of sentence structure and grammar, of misplaced words? Who will leave commentary for corrections? Who will be calloused and who will be complimentary? How much will I care? Clearly, I do and will care. Which is ultimately what this blog is about and why I am starting it; I care about what people think. Whether it is applied to me, others with greater power, those with less, those with none – we are affected by the personal politics of others. I am affected. Period.
Do you think that a person would have to be sociopathic or psychopathic to truly not care? Is caring helpful in maintaining an organized society? If one person has greater social standing than another person, does this raise or lower their level of "caring" about others opinions?